About me
Rachel Mitchell
I trained as a yoga teacher in 2003 with June Mitchell’s Classic Yoga School. The 200hr Training Course took a year to complete and was very indepth, covering everything from anatomy to Yoga philosophy and First Aid. I have been teaching off and on since this time.
Although I only came to teaching yoga in the last few years, I have practised yoga since I was a toddler going to classes with my mum! I became a student of Ashtanga in 2002 after my yoga teacher June spent 3 months in India with the founder of Ashtanga yoga, in the west, Pattabhi Jois.
I am an Ashtanga home practitioner, come rain or shine I practise weekly with fellow yogi Fiona Campbell (Perth Yoga Studio) and when I can I travel to The Yoga Spot in Aberdeen to join Michele Ross’s monthly Mysore. Over recent years I have practised with Peg Mulqueen, Taylor Hunt and Gretchen Suarez. Two teachers I have come to enjoy working with and deeply respect are David Keil (Yoganatomy) who I first met and started practising with in 2004 and Scott Johnson (Stillpoint Yoga London) 2015. Both are amazing teachers and I try to work with them as often as they are in Britain and Scotland.
I completed the Yoga for Healthy Lower Back in the summer of 2013 with the course founder Alison Trewhela. I decided to do the training after suffering lower back pain as a result of the birth of my first child, which then became worse after the birth of my second.
My mother also lived for many years with a badly inwardly herniated disc and, although she had good and bad days, she never missed her weekly yoga class as she felt it helped to keep her mobile – helping to improve her mental and physical well being.
Further Information and Qualifications
Emergency First Aid Procedures (2012, Updates 2015) Radiant child Yoga Program – Level 1+2 (2009) Yoga For Healthy Lower Backs (2013)
Insurance details
Balens – Block Scheme For CYS ScotlandLondon
Ref: ZUR/10/48/33
Renewed September 2017
GDPR Compliance In line with GDPR I am required by my Insurance Company to hold the details of students for 7 years after they have finished attending classes with Yogaperth. I will only hold information that is relevant and given to me with permission from Students. I will only contact students who have contacted me or given me permission to do so about the classes I teach or similar. All personal details will be held securely for my own use. I will not give or sell any students details to a third party.